Friday, March 15, 2013

Minamata Convention - Primary Zinc metallurgical industries worldwide

About 90% of world’s total zinc output is produced from zinc sulphide concentrates through conventional hydro-metallurgical route i.e. Roast – Leach – Electro-win (RLE) process.

These zinc sulphide concentrates invariably contain varying amounts of mercury. [Pls. refer click: page 19]

The pre-requisite condition of zinc metal extraction from sulphide concentrate through a hydro-metallurgical process route is the elimination of its sulphur content in order to make it amenable to further treatment by leaching and then electro-winning processes.

This is predominately accomplished by roasting of zinc sulphide concentrates in fluid bed roasters and the fixation of SO2 bearing off – gases thus generated as sulphuric acid by double contact process.

1 (One) tonne of Zinc metal co-produces approximately 1.8 (One point eight) tonnes of Sulphuric acid. [Please refer click: page 18].

The present zinc production capacities in India have grown in geometric proportion to One million tonnes per annum in the past one decade.

The bye-product Sulphuric Acid thus produced at zinc smelters are utilized to produce phosphoric acids, which is further used for production of various types of fertilizers.

During roasting operations at 1000-1100 °C, almost all the mercury contents of the zinc sulphide concentrate fed to roasters gets volatilized and carried along with the SO2 bearing off-gases, which is further converted to Sulphuric Acid manufacture.

Unless, the well proven technologies, which are already available worldwide, are installed and operated religiously by the Zinc metallurgical industries in the countryto remove and recover the mercury contained in the zinc sulphide concentrate fed into these smelters, all the mercury metal is compulsorily entering into fertilizers [entering the food chain] and are being served to us on our plates starting every day morning at breakfast till at dinner, subjecting all of us to mercury poisoning – a well-known disease ‘MINAMATA’.

View these Videos:  
Mercury Poisoning- The Minamata Story Minamata Disease Truth

Minamata Convention - Primary Zinc metallurgical industries worldwide SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend


Unknown said...

Mercury Poisoning- The Minamata Story

Unknown said...

The Minamata Disease Truth

Unknown said...

Almost all the Zinc is produced from zinc sulphide concentrates, which invariably contain varying amounts of mercury. During Zinc operations at 1000-1100° C, the mercury contents get volatilized and go into the sulphuric acid production, which is further used for the production of various types of fertilizers. The mercury contamination of food chain through the use of contaminated fertilizer can be prevented at the first stage of operations itself by installing the mercury removal facilities upstream of the sulphuric acid manufacture and these plants are operate religiously and proactively regulated to prevent mercury contamination of our food chain..